ZipRecruiter is one of the largest job boards on the planet, making it a compelling choice for many entrepreneurs to hire freelancers because of its sheer size. While there are many freelance platforms to choose from, few are even close to as well-known or as popular as ZipRecruiter.
With millions of jobs available, ZipRecruiter is the only site you’ll need to find your next job.
Say goodbye to long applications. Upload your resume and apply to jobs faster in a click or a tap.
Apply to jobs anytime, anywhere and get notified instantly when your application is reviewed.
To post a job on ZipRecruiter, the process is pretty simple. Follow the steps below to set up an employer account.
After creating your job post, your job post will be sent to over 100 top job sites by ZipRecruiter. ZipRecruiter’s AI technology will also instantly scan their resume database and match you with candidates that meet your description. You can also search the resume database on your own to find qualified candidates.
ZipRecruiter mainly works as a traditional job board. This means you can post jobs and applicants can apply to them through the site. It also sends job posts to other websites to help you find more applicants.
Search for jobs hiring in your area using ZipRecruiter's job search engine - the best way to find a job. Find jobs hiring near you and apply with just 1 click.
Everybody Deserves!
ZipRecruiter’s resume database allows you to search the resumes of millions of job seekers. You can also set alerts that will notify you when new resumes are added that fit your specifications.
Know More »Set up questions for potential candidates to help eliminate individuals who are unqualified, or not the right fit. You can use multiple choice questions, yes/no, free form answering or create custom questions.
Know More »As an employer, you can try ZipRecruiter for free for four days. If you like what you are seeing, you can continue your package after 4 days.
Know More »When you post your job posting, ZipRecruiter takes care of sending that job post out to over 100 top job boards. For you, this is all done with one simple click!
Know More »You will get an email every time a candidate applies to a job you posted. This allows you to easily track who has applied and allows you to quickly get back to candidates.
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